Relationship Troubles- Debugger is here!

 Introduction —

It doesn’t matter how busy or frustrated your lifestyle would be but what’s important is you’re able to buy little time out of that chaos for the only one. — Nagendra Singh Yadav

                                    Title  - Hold it together (Photo credit —

 There are times where we feel like to give up on everything against which you are tested in all terms such as patience and there are many other aspects as well. One might feel like getting away from everything, which you expect from someone and you’re not getting that out of them.

Ah! that feels like a hell of pitty shit. Obvious in the modern generation, where there is no calm and patience, they attempt to have everything without working for it. The same goes in the case of life goals when it comes to someone you always want to be.

What does a relationship Stand for?

                               R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-H-I-P (Photo credit —

R — Respect

E — Emotion / Expectation

L — Love / loyal

A — Attention/look after each other

T — Time/ know each other better

I — Intense / if there is I it’s we.

O — be obsessed for love into each other

N — Never say No when one wants to talk to you when you fight

S — Be serious towards your partner

H — Help out each other when one is surrounded by a dark time

I — Same as I

P — Perfection

The Key Principles —

keeping it simple makes everything a little easy for everyone else, cuz sometimes asking for reasons might not be a good idea in ideal situations. Being speechless speaks a louder version of yourself to the one. — Nagendra Singh Yadav
Title  -  Impossible to define the word “LOVE” (Photo credit —

When frustration blows out of you, it might impact the one in many ways, leaving out so many meanings. To which you’re unable to explain because you’ve said it when feeling like ignored or felt like shit. That’s perfectly fine, but maintain the respect and decorum because at the end of the day how much you fight, doesn’t matter. What matters is one always listens to another one and makes them understand what they’ve missed out in this mess.

Below are the key principals -

1. Trust —

Gain it once, once lost cannot be given back. The one who has betrayed themselves, cannot be trusted back because one who can betray themselves, cannot be loyal to the one .—Nagendra Singh Yadav
  Title  - No secrets when you’re sharing a bond. (Photo credit  -


No secrets to be kept from the one who matters to you the most in this world. If they’ll get to hear about your secret from somebody else, it’s the most painful and awkward moment one could face. That hurts the most to the one from whom you’ve hidden it. When you start keeping secrets then it means you’re breaking someone's trust indirectly because in such kinda relations secrets are not kept.


2. Respect —

Respect is the most valuable lesson which one must always remember. Never create a scene in a place where you’re surrounded by a lot of people. Find a place to talk in peace to avoid ego clashes.- Nagendra Singh Yadav

Title  - No matter how bad you fight, I’ve always got you. (Photo credit -

Fighting in a relationship is a good thing but one or other must not cross the line while fight or argument because, in the heat of the moment, one might say some harsh words which cannot be altered at a later stage. Never let your EGO interrupt your conversation with the one. Always respect others, no matter how bad the fight is between two’s. Just remember, it’s important when you fight, later try to sort or work it out. Talking to each other always helps in reducing the knowledge or understanding gap. Don’t imagine all of the things on your own, speak to the one about it. Talking always helps.


3. Time-

Nothing comes in handy forever without given proper time and efforts, even if comes to the one who matters for you. To prove and realize one’s worth in your life, give your time, because no one is so busy in their life that they can’t find an hour or minutes to talk to the one.— Nagendra Singh Yadav

                   Title  - Time is running out, get a hold of it. (Photo credit —

If you’ve said that one matters to you, you’ll always try to find time for the one. Even after a full day of hectic work, you’ll always have 5 minutes to talk to the one. So instead of spending too much time on social media or on your gaming consoles or roaming around, just talk to the one. Everyone gets a busy life loaded with a lot of shits to deal with, it doesn’t mean that you can’t find the time for the one.

If you’re saying,

“I can’t pick up your call cuz I was busy this whole day”

Dude you suck! Get a schedule for your daily life needs, and you need serious time management.


4. Attention

One will never ask or say you to give your attention, it comes with the time you give to one. — Nagendra Singh Yadav
                        Title  -  Don’t worry I got you. (Photo credit —

 I would not call it an essential parameter but it is essential, depending upon how you see the one at the end of the day. Somewhere it is related to Time indirectly because when you give your time to the one, directly you show them how important the one is for you. When one gets angry, they’ll need your attention cuz they’ve got only you with whom they can share that type of emotions. Never let your EGO interesting your modes of communication.

Gone those days when you used to get 2G data for lots of bucks, it’s not the case now, plus you get unlimited calls. So going forward, Don’t give such excuses as :

“I have consumed my whole data or I don’t have any active plans for my phone”

If you say so, you SUCK!

5. Never taught do’s and don’t (as soon as they occur) —

No one is perfect as perfection is a pure myth. Making mistakes is good or bad as they’re subjected to their impact on the one. What’s most important is that what you’ve learned from it, and never make the same mistake again because Patience has got a limit up to it can last. — Nagendra Singh Yadav
Title  -  Love is more important than anything else. (Photo credit —

Have an attitude of not educating them when the one is around. Say for example — if one has made a mistake (i.e. it could be not picking up your calls), just count the no of times they’ve made the same mistake. After 3 -4 times if the same happens then talk to them and tell them what you’ve done wrong.

this helps when people are new in a bond, where you can’t tell someone or pin them for what they’re doing wrong. If you’re pinning them this makes them mad and made them think —

“Why he or she is trying to control my actions or life”

6. Prioritize priority —

There are times when we forget what are the people important in our lives and somewhere we left out the one at last in our priority list. I agree that friends should be the priority but up to what extent, just give it a thought and this line answers it all. — Nagendra Singh Yadav


Title  -  Don’t leave the one hanging in there. (Photo credit —

 Have you ever thought about deciding your priority? if not yet, start working on it. As I discussed earlier value your friend but don’t you forgot something back there when you were creating or deciding your priorities. Did you think that where the one was ranked in that list? It’s not at first for sure cuz you forgot it? Hell no, It’s just that while valuing everyone else you’ve left the one out there. The one would never tell you to keep him or her at top of your priority list because one cannot always ask for everything. It’s you who’ve to do things sometimes without being said, it’s an effort to be made by an individual.


7. Be a good listener — Don’t panic — one has to be calm in fights

When two people are engaged in an argument, one must keep calm and hear it all, once the one has finished. speak to them what and where it went wrong, this improves bonding and keeps the unwanted hurts away. — Nagendra Singh Yadav

                                                     (Photo credit —

Always have Never Give up attitude towards the one. when two of you are fighting on something, one amongst you must keep calm and hear out the frustration because you’re the one they’ve got with whom they can share that emotion. Once the fight is over talk to the one, and work it out.

The success depends on how often and early you communicate with the one. te earlier you communicate with the one, reduces the understanding gap. So never walk away and give up on things, as the time spent on the relationship is priceless.

8. keep insecurity elements as far as possible.

If you want to reduce fight amongst yourselves, keep the people away who are responsible to make your partner jealous. If you’ll take care of this I assure you that your 95% of fights will stop and that time can be used to improve the bond. — Nagendra Singh Yadav

                                                            (Photo credit —

Why a male would wanna a female friend or a female would wanna have a male friend when the male and female are into a relationship. Don’t you think it might cause chaos into your relationship because often time such so call friends to look for you only for pampering? it’s obvious that your partner would not be happy with that but they’ll not say it on the first go. When the partner notices it happens very often, they ask their lover to stop doing it. It’s an individual responsibility to draw for people who are outside of two’s relationship.

That’s how you can avoid unwanted troubles for yourselves.


9. No calls in one’s time late night —

After a long day of work, why would you wanna spend your time on social media when two of you can talk and hear each other. Keeping away phones post 8 PM gives you extra time to know each other better. — Nagendra Singh Yadav
                                                                  (Photo credit —


Follow these 9 golden rules and I assure you’ll have a hustle free relationship for the rest of your life. — Nagendra Singh Yadav

Originally Published at -

Disclaimer -

This blog is dedicated to those out there looking for better advice to ensure the smoothness in their relationship. I wish to deliver all of it one blog aiming to consolidate everything which requires serious attention in a relationship. For any suggestions, one can write back to the author, if required. This article is prepared based upon the author observation and surrounding of humans.


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